Saturday, January 28, 2006

good news, Great news!

ok, i'd like to let you know my move went smooth (except for Charlie's mishap)   anyways, i'm not quite all unpacked, but i love my new apartment   it's nice and cozy and right next to the mountains    i love the fresh mountain air every morn, every day    Kyle loves my new little place too    he's staying with me again, but only for a few weeks    his is the good news   he's finally going active duty Army   processing the paperwork now and will soon leave    i'm so proud of him   he has choice of his duty station and he's thinking of going overseas   if not, he desires to head to Ft Carson, CO   i just know this is the next best step for him    it'll do him sooo much good    i know how much the Air Force did for me when i was his age, and for him i think it'll be even better....

OK   Now for the GREAT NEWS!!!    can't wait any longer    the 25th of January was my last day of work   I'm officially RETIRED now from the post office    i came in from the street delivering my mail that day and they told me it was my last day    at first i thought they were joking, but it wasn't the case    i've been in shock for a couple days, but it finally sunk in last nite   God it feels great!    i now can do whatever i'd like and love    finally can get back to school and finish my bachelor's degree   i may pursuit 2 bachelor's    anyways,  i'm loving the idea of being retired   i know my health will be lots better not working   i know i will be depressed less often by not working (i've already experienced it when working less hours at the p.o.)    I'm estatic!   i'm going to   (literally i am going with my sister in May-she called and requested my company before my retirement came thru)    anyways, i'll be hiking, backpacking, photographing, and going to school for awhile before and if i return to work.....Life is Good!

ok, now, Dona has tagged me with something and i have yet to find it    i'll be catching up with everyone's journal over thenext few days    it's great to be back online    cyu all soon....

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