Monday, March 27, 2006

such is the morn, all purple in hue  waking quietly as the sun rises   the birds will be singing soon and it'll be another gorgeous day   i sit quietly, well with some music playing on the radio, reading my mail and ordering books from Ramtha online   the shopping was wonderful   i'm finally able to sit and read Ramtha without a triggered psychotic memory   Ramtha is my favorite spiritual master   probably always will be   but he is also very powerful and i must tread lightly right now   i find strength and peace in a moment when i think of him   i look forward to more reading and learning from Ramtha, but for now i will focus on my church's teachings   they are similar teachings to Ramtha, just a trite different in perspective   however i remember Spirit it doesn't matter   but i remember and know Spirit is with me always   only the past couple days have i realized again and again and again that Spirit is with me no matter what   my illness reminds me constantly now   i am comforted by Spirit in my most dire moments   there is nothing like it...

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