Monday, November 6, 2006


i got a good laugh over at one of Jimmy's journals   THANKS A BUNCHES GUY!!!   it's been too serious around here lately and the way the week looks ahead, i don't see much fun in it coming   is there a good comedy movie out? (i haven't looked at the movie list in ages)   anyways, i was thinking of the days ahead this week and my calendar is FULL!!!   again i see another 6day week at the church unless i can figure a way out of it   ok friday i'll be off   this is good news   hopefully saturday too   maybe i can skip wednesday, but i have an interview with a church member about assisting her with a church project she's doing right now   assisting her may take me away from the volunteering at the church, but i'll be volunteering for her for the church   we'll see   Goodness i'm worn out just thinking of the rest of the week    i had a meeting tonite after being at the church today   ok i'll skip class tomorrow nite   something's gotta give and lately it's been my house cleaning  granted i ain't the spit shine house cleaner, but i do like it cleaned   i'll squeeze that in tomorrow nite  ...right now i think i'll hit the sack   i'm tired just thinking of all this   dear God, please provide me some r&r this week....


Anonymous said...

Glad to be of service, lol.

Hope there is some R&R in store for you in the near future

Anonymous said...

    And you retired for what? Rest?