Saturday, March 10, 2007


having too much fun ridin' my bike   i finally got it out today   charged the battery last nite   dusted it off and hit the road    i didn't go anywhere but around town    and this is one big town, spread out for miles     it was a blast!   went up to the Harley shop to get a hot dog, but no dogs were available    as i window shopped and sipped a coke, i saw a woman that was in my riding class last year    she didn't finish the course, but she's now riding   i was sooo happy for her    we exchanged numbers and hopefully will ride together laterz     then i headed back home only to find myself racing with another young guy on his crotch rocket   i out did him   yep i was havin too much fun    i also kept forgetting to turn the fuel on, but hey it's been 3months since ridin'    anyways, it was just the pick me upper i needed this week   nothin' like refreshin the soul on a bike...

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