Sunday, May 18, 2008

more flowers...& a full moon

great news!!!   it's 11pm and my new neighbors directly across the lawn from me rang the not the neighbor immediately next door....anyways i had turned the water on for the flowers out front and totally forgot about it   she, Lynette and her daughter Maddi, rang the bell to let me know   they also let me know that they really appreciated the birds out front and the bird feeder   i told her the feeder was stolen, but within a few days i'll be getting another one   anyways, they're loving the birds out front   nice to know someone else is enjoying them!!!....

now onto the photos    these photos i took today on my hike except the full moon and the plate with the birds=my current bird feeder   anyways the full moon shots are my first   i just wanted to try capturing the full moon   i do have a unipod, but no tripod   one of the photos i just hand held the camera and the moon's shape is "doubled" a bit   well it was a good learning experience just with 3shots   definitely will have a tripod by the next full moon   my backpacking trip with George to the Grand Canyon we hope will be during the full moon   so i want to get sum practice in with my camera and the moon    i'm excited!   Life is Good!!!!

what a way to end my day!   g'nite all....


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your flower, bird and moon pics.  Yes, it was a good day.  Anne

Anonymous said...

    It is nice to know that someone else appreciates your efforts. I love the photos.

Anonymous said...

Great photos!  Love the depth of field.
