Tuesday, October 31, 2006

happy halloween!

lions, tigers & bears, O my   halloween  always a day to remember The Wizard of Oz   maybe i can find it showing on tv tonite   anyways, i'll be at M's house handing out candy with her   we'll catch up from the past month   it'll be great to see her   think i'll take my photo printer and print some photos she liked from the fall foliage ...anyways, this entry is more about my thoughts on my son at the moment   i talked to him the other day   he's ready to get out of the Army already (when his 3yrs are up)   i sent him an email to write and talk to me   i'm curious as to why the decision already when he hasn't been in there a year   hopefully he'll write   and i was thinking of sending him Why Courage Matters by John McClain   it is about courage in the midst of war experienced by everyone differently   hopefully he would read it while in iraq   i'm just not sure he'll read it at all   i sit here sensing his need to talk, yet i'm far away   i know he will talk to me, but from such distance?    i wonder if he's talking to his buddies at all or if he's hanging out by himself    he was just hanging out the other day, seemingly by himself   i worry about him a little right now, that will increase once he's in iraq    i know, as he has admitted, he's a mama's boy, but i was hoping he'd find a father figure he could learn from   i have no clue if it will happen   his father abandoned him when he was an infant   come to think of it, i'm not sure he's had any male role models in his life...anyways, regardless if he stays in the army or gets out in 3yrs, i want to be there for him    i was hoping to go see him before he left for iraq, but i learned yesterday that my back lump sum pay from social security won't show up for up to another 90days    if i get lucky and it shows up by the end of the month, maybe i can still go   i'll see   i'll say a prayer and let Spirit do the work   if it's meant to be, so it will be    in the meantime, i need to get his new address and write him more letters, i just started last week   i'm more prone to call him than write, but i realized ican say more in a letter than a short phone call    may Spirit watch out for him and carry him thru his military service time   may he come home safely and alive   i love him very much...


Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween Karen!
Hope you can help your son find his way through the decision...


Anonymous said...

I hope everything works out in the best way possible. It sounds as though your son could use some guidance. I think you're on the right track. Good luck, and maybe everything will happen at the right times.


Anonymous said...

I know it's impossible not to, but try to worry too much. I hope you hear from him soon and that he stays safe. ~ L

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you and to him. I can understand that he wants out. He'll do what he's there for though. You're both in my prayers.