Wednesday, March 5, 2008

on the road again...

here are a few pics from Tent Rocks i took a couple years ago    i'm takin' the hike group up here on saturday   i'll take some more pics and see if i get anything different   it's a beautiful place for a hike  i'm lookin' forward to it   plus it's supposed to be sunny, not like it is right now=snowin'   rain and 40s tomorrow too   then back up to 50s & 60s   i'm ready for the weather to stay warm!!!    anyways, it's a good nite   no blues again 2day   then they'll probably stay away for, i learned sum things of myself today   first my therapist said i'm very fragile due to this illness   i recognize myself as fragile after visiting her on monday   just didn't know how fragile  but tha'ts ok   i'll just handle me with much TLC   i do a lot, but will do so even more...second, i realized today i can't and won't embrace every word of our church's philosophy   i feel a bit different in sum areas and that's ok   we can learn SOM, attend our church and still maintain our original beliefs, i.e. christianity, buddhism, muslim, or whatever   i'm spiritual,  not religious   i gather my wisdom from all works of Life and will continue to do so   we all have our own journey and getting there with what works for us   so 2day i realized sum of our church's philosophy isn't workin' for me   and that's ok   it's still a great place and i love all my friends there   we're on an ever growing path wherever we, in the meantime, i didn't get my bike today-ugh   and ain't gettin it tomorrow with this ugly weather   no problem   friday's comin'!!!

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