Saturday, March 8, 2008

finally..Sugar Plum.Tiger Balm..and buffalo

alas, the photos are here ...i'll start with the buffalo    i had no idea until 2day that new mexico had buffalo   we saw them near the national park  even seeing them with my own eyes, i couldn't believe   but they're i know i don't have 2 travel north to see them Sugar Plum is Lil Miss Madison   she stole the show at the end of the day   i carried her on my back, all 25lbs of her    she's grown a little since i carried her a few months ago   but she was a great trooper 2day   although this was the hike group outing, once we got 2 the park, the rest of the group hiked onward to the top while Marsha, Madison and I brought up the rear   we 3 amigos didn't make it to the top, but almost    we did manage to hike at least a mile in, all up hill   sum of these photos you'll see we had little space to walk thru   there was one point i was  literally on my hands and knees, with Madison on my back, to get thru   short as i am, it still wasn't enough to get thru with Madison   once we hiked the mile in, we stopped and rested   we were at the base of the "steps" to the major incline to the top of the plateau   it was time for a break   Madison played in what little snow there was until her hands were so cold she was ready 2 go   she went over to the carrier and tried to get in it by herself   months ago we couldn't keep her in it  today we couldn't keep her out of   but the 3 of us had a blast   i'd lean sometimes during the hike so Madison wouldn't scrape against the rocks  she'd just laugh it up   she was just a riot today   Marsha had a good time   i had to talk her into going, but she was happy she did so once there    it was a great day for all of us   it was just what i needed after so much of the blues-which have been gone for 4 days or so now-Yeah!!!    now tonite, i wait for sleep to fall upon me    i took a hot shower and bathed in Tiger Balm (muscle ointment)   love this stuff   if you haven't ever used it, i HIGHLY recommend it   great stuff!!!!   although i woke at 4:30am, i'm still wide awake   may  have totake a sleepin' pill tonite, but that'll be fine   hopefully i can sleep off sum of this soreness all over my body   now only if i could hike with Madison on my back daily for awhile not only to lose weight, but it'd be a great way to condition for my Grand Canyon trip   i'll come up with a solution, but it won't be as much fun as with Marsha and Madison....


Anonymous said...

yA'LL had a blast.  You are all so brave and I Love, love, love the pictures.  Anne

Anonymous said...

I wish I was there!