Wednesday, July 5, 2006

must read!

Immaculee Ilibagiza with Steve Erwin, Left to Tell    just finished readin this book   Immensely moving   gut wrenching, heart breaking, and very inspirational book    this is the story of Immaculle Ilibagiza and her survival thru the Rwanda genocide back in 1994    words cannot express the courage, the bravery and the will this woman demonstrated during these times    i'm still in awe of the story and her    if you need a reminder how blessed we are here in the USA, read this story    read it anyways   can't say enough about this book.....just do it!

now for the rest of the news of my life    nada mas happening   today i had more of my back tattoo worked on  again    i still lasted only two hours but we got more done this time thanks to topicaine gel    it numbed me up a little at least and i could stand the pain better   i can hardly wait til it's all done   anyways, after that i called a VA nurse   my thumb i jammed last week is still hurting & a tidbit swollen   so the VA will look at it on friday   i pray it isn't broken for i'm just getting back to my guitar lessons   just couldn't pick up that guitar after my visit back east   i needed some down time badly and that's all i've been doin   this past week my spirit is back up again and life is good    i even went shoppin buying me a nice Holister shirt on sale, then buyin M a birthday present   sumtime this month is her b-day    so when she returns from Alaska it'll be a welcome home/b-day present   i hope she likes it which i'm sure she will-it's purple her favorite color the meantime, now that i have no obligations during the day manana, i can get my abode cleaned and laundry done   when i win that darn lottery i'm getting maid service and a chef!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what kind of tat are you getting?
I had no idea it took so long.
thanks for the heads up on the book.