Monday, September 18, 2006

fall is here

fall is here   it rolled in a few days ago bringing that cold nippin' wind with it   it was a gorgeous day   my first hike in months, but seemingly par for the course here in NM   too hot to really hike and the trails were all closed, fire danger high   so i packed my bag, and up the hillside i went   ok it may be a lil mtn, but i call it a hillside for seeing what a true mtn looks like    anyways it was a good cardio  my lungs began to burn expanding with more air   nothing like exercise   i then sat on a rock, contemplated and celebrated Richard    alas i needed to descend the rocks and off to our new church i went   i met Jane there to get a tour i missed previously a few weeks ago   i'm part of the Transformation Team (moving team)   i now better understood our numerous ideas for the place, where to put whom where and designation of the garden & playground   we have a Preparation Team meeting this wed Jane invited me   i'm currently serving on the Departure Team, but heck who knows, maybe i'll be doing both   there's lots of excitement surrounding our new church   it definitely needs sum aesthetics and TLC which we are Lovingly prepared to do soon as we sort it all out   the next 30-60days we hope to have a plan   we're not moving til March but we're starting right now    much to do between now and then   i love the new sanctuary and i've heard the acoustics are great   i'm anxious to see how all this comes together   i'll be doing interviews of our office team for their vision inputs   definitely looking forward to this unfolding.....the day is good   the sun is setting   the birds singing   another breath of life and tomorrow will soon arrive...


Anonymous said...

Just passing by to say hello. I wanted to say I'm sorry about your loss of Richard, but this was a nice way to pay him respects, sitting in contemplation and celebration of his life. I think that's a legacy we'd all like to leave behind: someone to remember us.


Anonymous said...

hello I am new to blogging. Im a massage therapist working in Annapolis Maryland. Each of your entries were so inspirational and kind. I am truly sorry for your loss but I am moved by how your spiritual self just pours out in your words. Thank you so much for reminding me the importance of life, others and the devine spirit within all of us. My husband had a very bad morning and he left angry. I logged on the see the new blog I created yesterday and decided to look for others blogs. The spirits guided me here and your words help bring me peace.
Thank you again!!
Tracie Hoenig, CMT
The Art of Massage
Annapolis Maryland