Monday, February 20, 2006


the damn pilot lite keeps going out on this heater    and i keep having a hell of a time lighting it   !@#$!     anyways,   if i can't get it lit, i'll be calling the landlord again    something must be wrong somewhere in there    initially i thought  maybe it was the wind, but i'm thinking differently now     so wish me luck in lighting this damn thing the meantime, i'm watching Curling-which i don't get-while waiting on the Bronze Medal Women's hockey game    the USA will be competing for the Bronze   GO USA!!!....

same day, in the evening... i did call the landlord who in turned called someone to actually fix it    hopefully no more calls to the is one of those days i feel like i'm losing my mind.....kyle volunteered to do laundry, so i sent him on his way   thanks kyle ...

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