Sunday, August 21, 2005

the bible....

good mornin' all....yesterday morn i began reading the bible   i've only read tidbits of paragraphs from time to time, but yesterday i decided to just begin reading the whole thing   my main focus is to know the teachings of Jesus so i start with the new testament   i began with Matthew and am still there   the book is what i've thought it to be for a decade now   a book of stories with great wisdom from its era   i discovered a tidbit of thought from our church as well   it follows:  Do we use it?  Of course.  Do we take it literally? No.....The Bible was written 2,000-3,000 years ago, by the Semitic people, for the Semitic people.  The Bible is a valuable and valid source of Truth when read and understood according to the authors' consciousness and heritage.  Truth is Truth, and the Bible must be read with an open mind, looking for the higher meaning in the stories, metaphors, and parables.  To fully understand the Bible, one must understand idioms and the psychology used by the men who wrote the book.  Yes, God did write the Bible, through the consciousness of human beings; therefore we must understand humankind to understand the book.

I desire to know the wisdom of the Bible and it's true meanings within the stories.  I desire to know and understand Jesus' teachings for what they really are.   Our Science of Mind book consists of Jesus' teachings, i finally remembered yesterday.  I know the Truth i'm looking for will take awhile to learn, but i'll perservere knowing i can better understand people in other religions a bit better.   Many have misinterpreted the Bible to some degree, but overall the wisdom of all religions have common threads...and we're all about knowing God.

also yesterday, i gave Jasmine and Charlie another bath   Kyle helped with Jasmine  she doesn't like baths yet so much   eventually she'll get accustomed, or at least i hope so   Charlie was a breeze to bath   like Max, he hopped into the tub and just stood there allowing me to bath him    after the bath everyone got a Milkbone treat, 2 actually.   the house is quieter nowadays without Sadie   i still miss her, yet still hurt & angry too    sometimes i desire to go to the pound to see her, but i know better not to do so   i know she'll find a home with her being the only dog   i underestimated her, but she's a good dog otherwise   one day....

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