Thursday, August 18, 2005

i'm callin it funky

the day that is    it just feels funky for some reason   maybe because i overslept this morn and i've been out of sync ever since   and how do you teach a teenager to fix dinner having it ready when you get home   ok i must be dreamin, but tonite it was simply frozen pizza nite   just pop it in the oven and presto   seems simple enough to me   we're still waiting news on a job   in the meantime he's considering and looked into going active duty military  he's currently army guard but hasn't started his weekend drills yet   he's learning a bit from his mistake of quitting his last job   if only i could have thought quick enough and told him to return immediately   parenthood, wasn't ready for it   and occasionally there's the little things that are beginning to bug me   like not fillin up the water jug for the frig   and i hate his tv channel surfin   the radio is ok, but the tv   leave it alone!    patience   i must be more patient    other than that i'm pullin my hair    anything else i should be warned about teenagers?   please advise me....for now, back to Potter   i'm almost finished with the first book then will immediately begin #2.....



Anonymous said...

    Take my word for it. Channel surfing is a 'male' thing. It's like if they don't have a remote in hand, they're in a state of panic. Like you just chopped their hands off. And teenagers cooking? Ha! I made a point of teaching all three of my kids to cook when they were young. Ask them now why they didn't eat, forget it. I wasn't home to cook for them. Good luck. It isn't easy sharing a home with someone. Especially if you've been on your own for so long.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jude - not easy to share your home with anyone. No matter how young or old they are. ~ L

Anonymous said...

I have found through experience that you need to set bounderies. Writing a contract is the best solution. You need to express in writting what you need from him to co-exsist in your home. He can have input into it also. It also needs to be signed by both of you. REMEMBER, this is YOUR home!  There is a lot to put up with, with teenagers or young men. When you have your contract made up, then it is very clear to him as well as you. Thats my solution, it's not perfect, but it's a begining.   Anne

Anonymous said...

I am with jmorancoyle--the channel surfing is definitely a male thing!  They don't watch anything, they watch everything......I will be watching TV with my DH and just as I am getting into the program----change----then enjoying the new channel-----then, again, change-----it's that Y gene that I just don't understand!