Sunday, August 21, 2005


Happy Birthday Ruby   100yrs old!   a member of our  church turns 100 this month  we celebrated with her at our service including cake    what a feat!

well i arrived back in church just in time for new classes to be registered   i asked Rev Patrick if it's ok to take more than one class at a time   one class is on Bible Wisdom, which isn't a credited class therefore i can take Roots, a creditied class simultaneously   both are rather long classes  10 weeks for Roots, 15 weeks for Bible Wisdom which we will use the Jewish bible i believe   anyways, great timing to feed my desire to know the Bible    i look forward to the classes and being at church again   i'd better get all the Potter books i can read before then   they start next month   i have a few weeks

...and how does Rev Patrick know i haven't been to church for awhile?  "a resurrection.." he said when we   well i'm Excited to be back there   i felt i went HOME today   i'm ready to celebrate my journey again   once and for all, i have arrived!

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