Thursday, August 4, 2005

Spirit Warrior

i woke this morn to a dream   another dream involving, evolving my spiritual journey   Dona a fellow j-lander wrote an entry recently regarding to thine own self be true   between it and reading a book, A Path with Heart -Jack Kornfield, i dreamed of what my spiritual journey means to me   it is a path i walk alone, but not alone   it is a path with many directions like the many branches of a tree, but it has one direction   I am a Spiritual Warrior   my path leads me innerwardly to my own struggles, joy, tears, laughter and so much more   it is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves  there is an ebb & flow like the ocean washing ashore on the beach   with each new tide, there is more wisdom learned and to be learned   there are times my journey consists only of me while i sit, contemplate and grow from within   there are times there are other people and what life outside of me holds for me    each an integral part of who i am, how i live and being a light to others ....for it was within this dream this morn, i finally remembered my Spiritual Journey and how i walk that path    it is not others shaping and molding me as they see fit    it is me who tears me apart and creates a new Self within me for which to live by example    i remembered i had desired to be a Light to others  and it is through different teachings, not just one which steers my course, which humbles me and rekindles my Soul   i am one of many, yet many of one   there is a place for me to return, a teaching to remember   may i continuously remember from this day forward   a new season is upon us   a new breath to take   Change like the seasons, grow with the Wisdom it makes


Anonymous said...

I truely believe in spiritual journeys and angel guides, etc, I just wish I was that in tune with myself that I could do more then just acknowledge that they exist.

Anonymous said...

A dream like that surely shows the depth of your intellect...


Anonymous said...

Love this entry.