Tuesday, August 16, 2005

suppose 2 be

...hikin'    while i was doin my errand this morn, my nephew got himself a job interview at 3pm this afternoon    good for him, me too, but my hike is on hold....ugh....anyways, we're goin right after his job interview then droppin off another job application at The Buckle where i know a couple people including the manager   he'd better get a job for delaying my hike....

later same day

well it poured cats & dogs in our hiking area by the time we finished all interviews, so it'll be another day for hikin   tonight i'll curl up with Potter and pizza   will also do a bit of cleaning   he is all but hired on one job   he'll know for sure in a few days   as long as he got it, i'll be just fine   such is the day in the life...


Anonymous said...

    Well, better luck with another hike on another day. By the way, I started the Potter book. I'm half way through it, and it's just as hard to put down as the others.

Anonymous said...

Boy Harry sure sounds like a popular guy lately. I've really got to catch up. I'm only on #3!

Anonymous said...

Bummer about the hike, but rain is good during the summer.  There is always another day.  :)  Fingers crossed for the nephew...