Wednesday, August 10, 2005


jasmine lays at my feet while another one of my pack is no longer here  i realize life has some really tough decisions to be made   was i so fried from work yesterday that i couldn't see other possibilities   in the midst of a fight and my anger i made a snap decision   i don't know if it was the right one, but then again i think i did   i just don't like the decision i made  maybe i made the wrong decision years ago  maybe i didn't make any wrong decision   i'm perplexed   i don't know what happened to my Sadie girl, if anything at all, where she became so vicious    i hope to have the answer some day even tho she's no longer with me  ...i hurt, i'm angry, i missed the boat somewhere when it came to her    i still don't believe i gave her up   i suppose i'll be numb for awhile   but for now she's gone...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry did your dog misbehave?
Donna In TEXAS

Anonymous said...

Words fail me. You are in my thougths and prayers.   Anne

Anonymous said...

My heart is with you. That's a hard decision.

Anonymous said...

Oh no what happened?