Monday, September 26, 2005

Spiritual Law Flows as My Life

"Place yourself in the middle of the stream of power and wisdom which flows into you as life; place yourself in the full centre of that flood, then you are without effort impelled to truth, to right, and a perfect contentment."  -Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Spiritual Laws"

I went to Service in the Park yesterday   our church holds an annual service in the park and yesterday was my first    it was wonderful!   the service really consisted of our usual songs, but also of Rev Patrick answering questions asked by the congregation   we had a piece of paper to write our question and then he answered as many as possible in the alloted time   he said a couple things which i needed to hear   one at the moment i can't remember but hope it returns to me   the other i knew, but needed to hear again:  work is a part of your spiritual journey    ever so true and me not being very happy with where i am, i hope to take this wisdom and perceive my workplace differently while there   in time, i'll have mastered that   Spirit (God) always knows what is right for you, or me, always the right path   Spirit even spoke to me all last week and finally with a final clarity on Saturday    for awhile, about 3yrs actually, i have left my sexual 'identity' alone   figuring i was bisexual but not wanting to date any women for now if ever again  (painful memories)   well this last week i found myself thinking a lot about a particular friend from church unknown to me as why she kept popping up my head   it finally came to me that if i met a woman such as she in intellect, wisdom, insight, warmth, beauty inside & out i wouldn't be able to pass her up  ( i was also reminded too of my attraction to another woman, well known star)   so anyways, to make a long story short, i now know my true sexuality and am at peace finally    i've always been attracted to the Person, not the body one wears in this lifetime and there i still remain true to form....and Spirit working again, i sat with another friend at church yesterday, during our picinic, and we talked about sexuality due to her initiating of the topic   she told me about a group that meets on Monday evenings' for diversity (meaning gays, bisexuals, transgenders, queers and confused as well as friends and family)    so i'm going to check it out tonight to see what it's about and really to meet new people   i told June, my friend, i expect to see her there too    anyways, Life continues   Life is Good...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

     Good luck, K..., I hope that this works out for you and that you find peace with it. Your friend, Jude