Monday, December 31, 2007

baby it's cold outside!

happy new year everyone!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

3 x a charm

this morn, i finally got the final pieces of my bench set together   it was the barbell that holds the weights   it came in 2 separate pieces with pins to hold it together   for the past couple days i couldn't get those damn pins in   they needed to be squeezed down, but how do you move steel   i said to myself this morn, i'm trying this one more time   alas figuring out the wire cutters were my best presser, or squeezer, i managed to reshape the pins just enough so i could pound them in   finally, it is whole   it is done, and i can begin to work out on it   New Years day, or soon thereafter.....then it was off to church   i really didn't want to go, but Marsha talked me into it   leaving with my usual thought of heading to church, then straight home, i arrived back 8hrs later at the house    going to church with Marsha is never just church   i met her eldest granddaughter, then we all had lunch with Marsha's youngest daughter and Lil Miss Madison (15mos.)   then it was babysitting time again for Marsha and me for a few hours   then finally chillin for a little football, which i wanted to do all day today, i made it home about 6pm...but the service was good   a time to remember all those who made their transition last year (died) and reflect on how we believe in life and death   but it was also a time to catch up on a couple other people   actually wanting to know when the memorial service would be for someone who had been murdered just before Christmas   and to check on another member who is on her last days with cancer   it's only a matter of time for her ..but it's all good   only the body dies and our Soul lives the time i got out of church i had been talked into returning to volunteer for the church again   i wasn't going back   for various reasons i'll be back one day a week, but i'll see how long that lasts   there's one person people including myself are struggling with and she happens to be the church administrator   she hasn't been with us very long, matter what, i'll serve my community there somehow, someway   as one of my Christmas gifts says:  IT'S ALL GOOD!!!

p.s.   i forgot the good news...Lil Miss Madison has been bonding with me the past few days   i think it was friday nite that she just curled up in my lap and stayed there   since then she wants to be in my arms hanging out with Aunti Karen i'm called    it's taken awhile, but she finally totally warmed up to me   warms my heart and makes me smile...

Friday, December 28, 2007!

alas,  i'm off from work   after 3 weeks of work with no days off except Christmas, i get my normal weekend off  i did volunteer for those hours to offset the Christmas blues  it worked  but the only problem now is i'm a little Grumpy   such the price to pay   but i'll be's a beautiful day here although cold   it's been colder than hell for us lately but when the sun shines, it makes it a lot warmer  one reason i love this state  like better than Washington where i'd get cabin fever badly  ...anyways, i'm off to Barnes and Noble today and hanging out with Marsha   she gave me a gift card from B & N which i already spent most of it on a thermos  love it, purrrrrrfect for taking my coffee to work   the other one i used so much it got raunchy  this one is much i am talkin' about nothings and forgot where i was headed with this entry....O, i let you know i had a WONDERFUL Christmas day   brunch at Marsha's w/George too   then off to see Charlie Wilson's War, which was a great movie   then home to put together my bench set   it's all together except the bar bell   the pins are not fitting that holds it together  will get my young neighbor to assist in reshaping those pins   then i'm off to exercise my butt off so i can lose the weight i've gained since retiring  part of my New Year's resolution   besides i want to get in great conditioning and shape to backpack down to the Colorado River at the Grand Canyon   one of my goals to accomplish by next fall   Life is Good, a bowl of strawberries!

Monday, December 24, 2007



Friday, December 21, 2007

12 days of Christmas

12 days of Christmas and what i gave to me:

2 sweaters

radio 4 work

Johnny Depp pencil sketch



tool bag and screwdrivers

underwear and calendar

Jeep hoodie sweatshirt

bench and weight set

Shutterbug caricature

motorcycle cover

and one woman biker caricature

can you tell i've been doing retail therapy?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

emerson images

sitting quietly again with my coffee and some famous amos cookies    i was looking at Emerson Images,   M introduced these photos to me last week   she ran into the guy in Phoenix while on vacation   these are BEAUTIFUL photos with great captions underneath  the captions are from philosphers, world thinkers, spiritual leaders and the like   apparently the photographer had taken all these photos around the world   then while reading, he decided to add others' thoughts to them   check out the website if nothing else   i'm going to order some of them   if i remember correctly, M said that the guy gives a huge percentage of his sales to fight AIDS (50%, i think?)    these are awe inspiring   well worth the view....enjoy!

Monday, December 17, 2007


well, i'm at it again  ...

retail therapy

thought i'd window shop for a bench set & weights tonite  part of my new year's resolution to exercise again & lose at least 20 lbs

it was practically 50% off

couldn't pass it up

good thing i got paid today

just what i was lookin' 4

hurry up Christmas or i'll be broke!

What do my stars say about me?
fun quiz for myspace profile and blog       everything but being dominant in relationships is about to a T...

Saturday, December 15, 2007


so, i've been workin' all week   a volunteer thing and my doc doesn't know   anyways, the thieves have been at my kiosk several days this week   i know they're just sunglasses, it's the principle of it all   they come in groves   they are from all kinds of backgrounds, race, poor, rich, male & female   all ages too   they steal when there's a group of them and/or there's other customers i'm waiting on   it drives me nuts   i just want to kick all their asses, and there's really not a damn thing i can really do   i learned that last nite   besides who wants to press charges over inexpensive sunglasses    like i said, it's the principle   it's all unnerving...

the snow lays quietly on Mother Earth's floor while the sun sparkles its eye upon it  there's not a whisper to be heard and i sit contemplating, reflecting, remembering good times and bad   yet what perseveres is the Love that sustains us  that sustains me throughout it all   there is only Peace as the bird flies beyond here   my kids lay at my feet reminding me of comfort and joy  there is only Life   it is all good no matter how it seems...

Friday, December 14, 2007

if you're readin' this

this is a Beautiful song by Tim McGraw   if you don't listen to country music at least listen long enough to hear this song  here are the lyrics...
If you’re readin’ this 
My momma’s sittin’ there 
Looks like I only got a one way ticket over here. 
I sure wish I could give you one more kiss 
War was just a game we played when we were kids 
Well I’m layin’ down my gun 
I’m hanging up my boots 
I’m up here with God and we’re both watchin’ over you 

So lay me down 
In that open field out on the edge of town 
And know my soul 
Is where my momma always prayed that it would go. 
If you’re readin’ this I’m already home. 

If you’re readin’ this 
Half way around the world 
I won’t be there to see the birth of our little girl 
I hope she looks like you 
I hope she fights like me 
And stands up for the innocent and the weak 
I’m layin’ down my gun, 
I’m hanging up my boots 
Tell dad I don’t regret that I followed in his shoes 

So lay me down 
In that open field out on the edge of town 
And know my soul 
is where my momma always prayed that it would go 
If you’re readin’ this, I’m already hoooommmmmeeee 

If you’re readin’ this, 
There’s gonna come a day 
You move on and find someone else and that’s okay 
Just remember this 
I’m in a better place 
Soldiers live in peace and angels sing amazing grace 

So lay me down 
In that open field out on the edge of town 
And know my soul is where my momma always prayed that it would go 
If you’re readin’ this 
If you’re readin’ this 
I’m already home 

Thursday, December 13, 2007

thanks Marti for sending this to me...

Something cool that Xerox is doing

If you go to this web site, you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services.

How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!!  This is a great site.  Please send a card.   It is FREE and it only takes a second.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these?
  Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and gals over there need to know we are behind them...

Check out AOL Money & Finance's list of the hottest products and top money wasters of 2007.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Uncle Tom's Cabin

well alas i read this book   finished it last nite   Great book, but it tore at my heart throughout it   it reminded me that i came from a confederate family   lo & behold i had forgotten   i've moved so far away from it   anyways, it's all history now   God i ask, how could we be so ignorant back then?   and we have come far, but still need to grow......anyways, today was spent buying the last of my Christmas gifts   on thursday i finally remembered my other nephew who just left for Afghanistan in October   so i sent his package today-Hickory Farms   i'll send a different care package in a few weeks   just acquired the list last night of what he needs   he's up in those mountains there patroling  i pray for his safe journey home   all our troups....after shoppin', i was at Marsha's trying to hook up her dvd player to her dish satellite system   no luck   so we rented Sicko on pay-per-view    i came home to have a drink after that movie   got my bailey's & coffee in hand   i was almost ready to pack and move to another country after seeing this, but i love America too much    the conclusion i came to awhile back, which the movie hit on, was we're a lot about money   i think we could use a socialist health care system though   we're the only country in the west who hasn't adopted such   i'm fortunate for my health care, but there are just too many people not fortunate enough   and our HMOs are raking in the money for profit   maybe America will wake up one day and push for a change....anyways, so much for that.....Life is Good for me   i am blessed with friends and family and the VAMC   ....Christmas is almost here....

Monday, December 3, 2007

retail therapy

well, december is here   i'm almost done with the Christmas shoppin'    even got some of the gifts wrapped tonite    just a couple more and i'm finished ...was tellin' a friend this is not a good time for me to be working at the mall   i get the Christmas blues and shoppin' is a good pick me up   but i've been good lately, or at least today    i made it out of the mall without shoppin' for myself   oops, except for a snowman coffee mug   it was only $5    so i did pretty good and i got paid today too    but then i went to Walgreens for some wrappin' paper  $28 later i made it home   2 decorations, gift boxes, wrappin' paper and 2 Hallmark cards ($8)   they sure ain't cheap anymore   o yes  and one decoration was a lighted panel of Snoopy on his dog house decorated in lights that flash   as he lays on his house, Woodstock sits on his tummy   Merry Christmas (it says)....

Friday, November 23, 2007

black friday

well it's Black Friday and i was out in this mess for a little bit    the day started goin' over to Marsha's   i watched Lil Madison while she showered   then we were headed out to look for something that Madison could climb on   those play boxes or something   well before we went anywhere i insisted we go buy Madison a jacket   it was 32 degrees out and her mother did not send a jacket for her   so off to KMart before meetin' the mom at Scarpas for lunch   well we got there, found a jacket plus sum, got in line and took forever   i sent Marsha & Madison onto lunch while i finished waitin' in a very slooow line  Scarpas was across the street from KMart    after lunch we took Madison to Grampy's house for his half day of sitting   then off to a movie  Lions for Lambs   great movie!   i highly recommend it   after no sound and a break down of visuals, the theater gave us passes for another movie although we did get to complete this one   so then it was off to find a playset    first Big 5  no luck   Target being next door, we walked over there   well 2hrs later or so and a cart full of stuff except for a playset we headed out   i did get a Christmas tree   good size for $20   couldn't pass it up   for several years i've been buying real trees, miniature size and setting on the table   finally, i bought a green unreal tree which i pray the dogs don't pee on it-hence the reason i had given up on real fir trees to begin with   so i'll have a big tree again   lookin' forward to decoratin' it soon since i didn't have any tree last year-out of town    anyways, Marsha also bought me a stuffed bird or paper bird   anyways, it was to go in my bird cage i bought recently   i really wanted to buy a parakeet, the real thing, but Marsha & M talked me out of it   plus one fine morn i realized my two dogs are enough for the moment   they're a handful   so at least now i have a bird   named it Levi since it's blue   until the day i get the real thing   years from now   after Target we went back to Grampy's and picked up Madison   alas home at Marsha's then it was back to my adobe bode    it was an 8hr adventure that wasn't suppose to last that long   o well   now it's not even 8pm and i'm ready for bed   ....soon my pillows will be callin'

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Game is on!!! And you're IT!

     Describe ME in one word.....just one single word. Post it in my comment section. Then put the same request in your journal so we can visit you… and do the same thing… and see how many strange and interesting things they say about you...........

Saturday, November 17, 2007


alas, Thanks to Anne i figured out how to display my photos as above   God i'm soooo happy    now all 84 of these photos are the pics i took at the Bosque del Apache    it was such a great trip    we first stopped at the Owl Bar Cafe and had green chile cheeseburgers   delicious!    then we were off    it was a great day!.........ok i'm playin'   change last entry's display of photos    did this one different   o what fun!

Friday, November 16, 2007

more Bosque del apache

bosque del apache

   meet my hikin' buddies  Marsha and her grandbaby Madison    we made it to the Bosque del Apache today    these are snow geese coming in for the night   we saw a few cranes too which i'll post soon    it was a short trip and our lil Miss Madison got a little cranky on the way home   she's was just plummed tuckered out   but Marsha and i both realized this Nature Refuge is more than a one day trip   the birds are there all winter long   we'll go again soon!  this was a very Beautiful evening...

another look?

so, when did they change the look again on the journals?    i know it's been awhile since i've written    time flies when you're having fun   and fun it has been    well not sure i told you, but i'm now co-coordinator of the Hike group at my church   i took them to the top of Sandia Peak last week   everyone loved it   it was about a 3mi round trip hike over to Kiwanis Cabin and the restaurant that sits atop   between my cold and the high alittude, my breathing was hard at times   but i finished   it was a beautiful day and has been here every day for awhile   when not hiking, i've been reading 4 books in 4 weeks   i just finished White Fang yesterday    before that i read, Call of the Wild, Merle's Door, and Into the Wild    all great books with plenty of nature in them, and hunting   except for Into the Wild, they all centered around a dog or a wolf    i enjoyed all 4 books immensely   i hope to see the movie Into the Wild this week   i Loved this book   it reminded me of when i was on the edge to go and live off the land into the wild myself   the closest i got was living on the other side of the mountain, which was great and sufficient enough   after reading all 4 of these books, i've been ready to go hunting   i did it once @ 10yrs old with my dad   he gave me that gun we used that day   maybe i'll have to load it up and just go huntin'   but that will entail a great deal of thought whether to get sum shells for it due to this illness i have   i'll know if and when to go huntin   need to find a huntin' buddy   as a kid, i helped my mom or my sister and i skinned the rabbits and squirrels my dad would bring home   my sister hated it   i loved it   thought it was the kewlest thing   just wish my dad had taken me more often    anyways, i love nature so these books were well worth the read   and Jack London's writing is awesome....well i must get started with my day    today i'm off to the Bosque del Apache with Marsha and her grandbaby Madison (1yr)   they're my hikin buddies   the Bosque is where all the birds migrate for the south   i've been wanting to go for years, but kept forgetting   alas, i'm off for the adventure    i'll take plenty of pics and post them soon    have a great one   God Bless You!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Linseed Oil

how could they have not known?    it is SAD about Marion Jones   it is a major fall from grace   although she was told it was linseed oil, why didn't she stop after noticing the difference in her body and performance   and Barry Bonds was informed of the same thing   both unknowingly took steroids, but the fact remains they did take them   with that in mind, i don't think Bonds' baseball record should stand   i've had mixed feelings until i read Jones' story   i really didn't know what to think   couldn't recognize truth in all the slander   but now it is very clear   you take steroids, you should pay the price    and what a price to pay!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Da Bears!

well i'll be damned    after a poor start of the season, my Bears beat the Packers last nite in SNF   i watched the whole game this time   it was a struggle at first, but once Urlacher intercepted the ball, things started turning around for us   then the final drive and TD pass of the game, it couldn't have been a better ending   GO BEARS!    in the meantime, back in baseball my Red Sox swept the series   now it's just waiting to see if we play the Yankees or Indians   i'm hoping it's the Indians   either way, it'll be a good the meantime, back here at my apartment, the heat is on    it's been chilly in here the past few days, but this morn i finally had to turn the heat on   i had a sweatshirt on and it still was cold   43degrees outside and probably close to it in here   i caught a cold on thurs last and don't need to prolong it   i also got the mink blanket out last nite which kept me plenty warm (note:   i did NOT buy this mink blanket   a former lover from over a decade ago bought it in Korea while she was there   nice blanket but i don't believe in furry clothes or blankets)    anyways, it's still nice during the day here, 70degree whether but it's cold at nite here next to the mountain   but it's nice to have the fall here with winter on the way   winter a great time to hibernate and read books and watch football   i love cooler weather than our summer heat, but i think i've become cold blooded   o well, i'll still take winter over the heat anytime   well that's my story for now    have a good one!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Bugs beat Yankees

so, according to the news, it was the Bugs that beat the Yankees   well i saw that game and yes there were millions of what they call canadian soldiers or flying ants, but do we need to blame the bugs for the Yankees loss    in any sport you must deal with the conditions at hand   it was implied in the news that the umpire should have stopped the game because of the bugs    goodness what will they think of next the meantime at Fenway Park, my man Manny Ramirez hits a 3run home run in the bottom of the 9th to win the ballgame   go RED SOX!!!!   the Yankees are ok, but my Bosox are better this year   someone's got to beat those damn Yankees!

in the meantime, back in Hawaii is my son   he's done with his tour in Iraq   i'm sooo happy and relieved    he'll be coming home on leave probably by the end of the month for a few weeks    it'll be great to see him    i've really gotten attached to this kid i inherited   gotta love him!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bad Ass Girls...

Bad Ass Girls Drive Bad Ass Toys...and so the sign says    last week while walking thru Wallymart's parking lot i saw this sign on a Jeep   i went over there to see if anyone was in the car   sure enough the woman who owned it was sitting there    i told her i had to have this sign and where did she get it    so i order it monday and it arrived today    awesome sign!   it is now displayed on my Jeep   the larger one on the windshield, the smaller on the rear window    and as soon as i can, i'm haulin' ass off to Colorado for some 4wheelin'    haven't been in awhile and i'm anxious to take this Jeep off for a road trip in the mountains    if not soon, i'll be on the passages first thing in the spring   by then i'll have my rack back on top of her   i knocked it off this summer forgetting it was up there and trying to park in a garage the meantime, life is good    next week i start volunteering at church again   i'm still in Roots class at church    i've also become co-coordinator of our Hiking Club   we'll be going on hikes once a month    I'm also ushering our UNM football games   so far so good   i'm just hanging out and reading too    not a lot of new stuff going on    however, my son is on his way back from Iraq finally   his tour is over    sometime tonite or in the mornin' he'll be back in Hawaii   then at the end of the month he'll come home for a few weeks    we may take off to Dallas, TX area to see my niece and her family   maybe we'll get some 4wheelin' in while he's here    for now, it's baseball playoffs and football sundays    such a joy to be retired from the p.o.!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007


well i did start another class   this is one at church   it started tonite and it was refreshing to be in some type of class again   maybe i'll be doing classes the rest of my life   anyways, this is Exploring Roots of Science of Mind   we'll be reading material from those that Ernest Holmes, founder of Science of Mind and our church, found inspiration from   i've been dying to take this class forever   now almost 3yrs later i'm in it   anyways, it'll keep me busy until i begin UNM    fortunately classes at church are not a pass/fail situation, but i do learn a lot   for fun i'll grab my camera and do some b&w while getting to know my new film camera    i'm planning a trip this friday, my birthday, to Bandelair if my bike is out of the shop by then   i'm praying it is    i've been missing it a lot lately   Life is not the same without my motorcycle    if it isn't ready, i'll go up to Tent Rocks for the day   the main theme,  be in nature for a day   then next week, i'm going to return to volunteering at the church again   just one day a week for i will also begin ushering at the UNM football games as well    fall is here and i'm getting a full schedule again   somehow i manage to take summers off and take it easy, but once fall rolls around i'm ready to go    so new beginnings   change like the seasons...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


almost went to the Art College that would have cost me $80k plus interest    i was ready   wanted to go sooo badly   but the closer it got to going, the more i worried about the money    so, i didn't    i would havve been in school today if i had decided to go there   since then i got a good recommendation on UNM    so there i was today at an advisor's office getting the scoop on classes i need   so i'm applying for the Spring '08 term   if i get in, i'm taking a history course i need   basic requirement   if i pass, i'll pursue the degree   if not, i'll just take photography courses    but i'm having faith   belief in myself that all will go well   one class at a time   one step at a time    i'll keep you posted once january rolls around the meantime, i'm waiting on my bike from the shop again    it's little stuff that keeps needing to be done    i'll be happy once i can buy a new one which i hope is this time next year or the following spring at the latest    Life is still good, a bowl of strawberries!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


just a short entry    i want to make a short comment on Vick, the dog fighter    now 18months seems to be a short time for his involvement  in the dog fighting    i've been outraged ever since the story broke   i was just reading the probable fate of the remaining 53dogs that were seized from his property   yep they'll probably be euthanized   i'm outraged for these dogs and the ones that lost their lives  my heart cries for them  just the whole scheme of things   what wonderful dogs pits can be only for those like Vick who use them for dog fighting    it's not good in any way for the pit bulls   the euthanism hurts but that's probably the best for these particular dogs   i can't imagine how they could be good pets at this point, but God only knows    18months is too short of prison time for Vick    let's hope he gets the maximum    the cruelty of some people is too  much.....

Friday, August 17, 2007

just a tire change...

ok, so i wanna change my tire    my left rear tire has a slow leak   well i thought, now would be a good time ot change my own tire just to see if i remember correctly how to do it    simple    i thought   an hour or less i'll be go unload the jack    easy   it's a hydraulic jack   got it down   found my key for the locking nut   easy, no problem removing it    grab my crowbar   it don't work   none of the sockets work on this wheel    ok, so i've never really actually done this before, so maybe i'm not using it correctly    so i look up "Tino at church   nope it doesn't fit he tells me    ok back to 4 Wheel Parts where i bought the wheels and tires   need a different socket   bought that    go back to church   Tino & I get all but one lugg nut off   it won't budge   and the others came off after we found a pipe to use as leverage    ok back to 4 Wheel Parts with a quick run to my apartment    well it wasn't quick and Tino was right    you don't drive on 4 luggz    back at the shop, they don't get enough parts   waiting for more parts   then we don't get the right stud   waiting while they hunt for that part   Hours later and one new T-shirt (JEEP), all the parts arrive and i'm outta there late for work 2hrs....all i wanted to do was change the tire   simple?   not anymore    so my lessons for today    1. don't change the tires on this Jeep   the nuts are screwed tooooo tight by an air gun, not anyone, man or woman, can get them off    2.   let the men do the tire changing    too much muscle needed    plus they're the ones who put the nuts on too tight to begin with   3.   do not fill in for someone at work again    this is the second time this has happened,   the first time, my bike broke down on the day i was fillin in for someone     i'm signning up for auto club again and let them handle it     simple job isn't simple back to my Black Opal wine....Nice!

Monday, August 13, 2007

another road trip

Fort Sumner.    this was my road trip yesterday   didn't know i was going until i was on my bike headed to meet a friend for coffee before church    it was such a beautiful day   the weather has cooled much since my last entry, thank goodness    so instead of going to church, i headed out to Ft Sumner   the famous place where Billy the Kid was shot, killed and buried    it's also was a famous fort during the times when they were rounding up Native Americans way back when....anyways, i took the interstate most the way for that road experience    then south on hwy 84 to the town   stopped in a museum which had all kinds of old relics including some nice old cars   but it also had some of Billy's stuff hanging in there like his guns and his chaps   those chaps looked awfully heavy    anyways, then it was off around the bend to the gravesite    the site is all covered in bars    apparently his tombstone had been stolen a couple times and as recently as 1981    he's buried there with two of his friends   Billy's tombstone has another shackle on top of it besides the bars all three are incased    there was another museum but i passed on that    then i went around the corner to the original Ft Sumner & Bosque Redondo Monument but didn't go in there either   wasn't sure the place was open    there was a modern building there and in the way back a very small fracture of the original fort    i was hungry for some grub for i hadn't eaten all day, so i moved on from there    i took hwy 60 back to albq for awhile anyways    found a turkey sandwich in Vaughn in one of the dirtiest places i've ever been    but it was something to eat anyways    then in lieu of continuing hwy 60, i headed north on hwy 285 to stop at Clines Corner for some sunglasses    i was kicking myself in the ass for forgetting mine    due west, late in the afternoon, the sun was directly in my eyes    and even after i bought sunglasses, the sun was pretty damn bright   that's its intensity here during the summer but i still love it.....the ride to & fro was boring at times    just straight flat desert for awhile and hot    not like going thru the Jemez mountains where you have shade and curves to ride through   but i still enjoyed the ride    only my shoulders are a little sore    will get a massage soon, in the meantime i've got Tiger Balm on it which is Wonderful!    anyways, that's about it for now    not much happening    just working,  hiking and relaxing....until another time.... 

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

freakin' Hot!!!

it's freakin Hot here   back up to 100degree weather again   its' drivin' me and everyone else crazy   and we ain't in Phoenix where i know it's hotter than hell there    goodness, hurry up mid-August for it always starts to cool off a bit then   if nothin' else that fall wind blows in to stay keepin it coolin than now....went for a bike trip the other day   through the Jemez Mtns onto Bandalier Nati'l Park    it was a blast   had my white leather jacket on which was alright except riding at 30mph or less   i had worn short sleeve shirt under theh jacket only for my arms to sweat up a storm    so i bought a long sleeve t-shirt to absorb that    it was nice and cool in the Jemez    need to go back there and cool off some more....

Friday, July 6, 2007

( God - this doesn't get any better)
A United States Marine was attending some college courses between
assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  One of the courses had a professor who was a vowed atheist and a
member of the ACLU.
One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to
the ceiling and flatly stated, "God, if you are real, then I want you
to knock me off this platform. I'll give you
exactly 15 minutes."
The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes
went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am God. I'm still
waiting." It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine
got out of his Chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him;
knocking him off the plat form. The professor was out cold.

  The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The other
students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on in silence.

The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the
Marine and asked, "What the hell is the matter with you? Why did you
do that?" The Marine calmly replied, "God was too busy today
protecting America 's soldiers who are protecting your right to say
stupid stuff and act like a ass. So, He sent me."

(thank my sister who sent me this via email...)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

back 2 iraq

he left this mornin'    i had to wake at some ungodly hour of 3:30a.m. only to sit and wait on his but to get home from being out all night    his flight was originally due to leave @ 6:05a.m. but got delayed an hour   the above pics were taken this morn at 4:30a.m.   she's a new girlfriend   but i'll wait and see how long this lasts   he's headed back 2 iraq where his now ex girlfriend is (they broke up while he was here at home)   so anyways, he has too many girlfriends for me to keep up with   not that he has that many and i don't think he considers them all his "girlfriend"   but it seems to me anyways he can't be without a girlfriend for too long   doesn't matter   as long as he's happy   he'll figure out when to "settle" down    i told him to be single for awhile   sometimes he gets anxious to get married and have kids   he's only 21 and there's plenty of time for tying the knot later    anyways, he took off with some of my music again   at least 3 cds and of course they were my favorites   i think he thinks that what is mine, it is his as well    i'll kick his ass later, but right now he's headed back to Iraq and i can forgive him   not going to get too upset about the cds and whatever else he might have taken off with   he's a good kid and has grown up a lot since being in the army   even his buddy Gerard noticed    so now i just keep him in my prayers until he gets back to Hawaii in October    he shared a few things with me that's he's done in Iraq    he's ok with it all, so i'm ok with it    for now i'll miss him, but it sure is nice to have my place to myself again....and he wants to come home and live with me for awhile    should be interesting......

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

a few pics

a few pics of Kyle, his friends, my mother, a friend of mine (Marsha) and me....

Monday, June 18, 2007

take me out 2 da ballgame...twice!

well we made it to the 'Topes ballgame again tonite and we made it to the 8th inning this time....let me back up.....saturday we went to the game and only made it to thru the 2d inning    it was a long hot day    we had gone to the flea market, then home where i took a nap   before the game on saturday, Kyle bought us all a baseball jersey then it was off to Hooters (my first time at Hooters) for chicken wings and a beer has two drinks of beer   kyle and i had a beer a piece    we get to the game and kyle buys him and i another beer    i drank half of my beer and i got sleepy    kyle since his arrival was asleep by 8pm, along with my mother   well 1st inning was over by 8pm, kyle went to the car and told us to enjoy the game    mom pops up at the end of the 2d inning saying she's tired, the two sips of beer made her sleepy    and i was feeling the 2d beer    goodness we were a bunch of tonite, i had only 1 beer before the game and the others had none    so we were able to get thru almost the entire game    kyle and his buddy Gerard were out chasing girls while mom & i watched most the game    we got tired of sitting on our rumps and we were winning so it was time to go    but we had fun    kyle and his buddy started being loud right off the bat and so the people in front of us moved    not too long after that, and more people around us getting loud, the people behind us moved    we were just having fun and Kyle needs to let off that steam from Iraq   i won't go into the details because i don't know them, but i've gotten the impression being over there was getting to him   so anyways, the party poopers moved and we had a blast    it was an exciting game right from the start with a 3run homer in the first    i had to go search for the guys when we were ready to leave, and sure enough they were hangiing out with some girls    who knows what they're doing now, for they dropped us home and left again    as long as he's safe driving, i'm fine    remember he is a good kid who's grown up some more since joining the Army   it's very evident.....i love that kid and am very proud of him!

Friday, June 15, 2007

He's Home!!!

what a day!    well my mother arrived at 9:30am and my son followed suit at 10:30am    he looks really good   a little beefed up from his from scrawny self    he had told me he was workin' out over there   but he says a lot without actually doing it    maybe he's changing    i can definitely tell some maturity in him  a significant increase   he has a girlfriend and showed us her pic    she's a pretty lady   i actually talked to her momentarily twice to let her know where Kyle was en route here    anyways, we got to my place and while my mother was in the bathroom, he pulled me aside and gave me a special hug   i returned it as well    then did it again in the mall    yep he's my son   it still surprises me since i didn't give birth to him   but that's all ok    he wanted to do everything today   go shoppin, go to the movies, have pizza, find a buddy of his plus we had to go grocery shopping since i didn't get it done before he arrived    we did everything but the movie   right now it's 8:30pm and he and my mom are in bed    i'll soon follow    he said he's going out about 10pm tonite  (frankly, i hope he sleeps thru it)    anyways, i'll be taking some pics and posted them asap    i'm just soooo happy he's home for awhile    tomorrow nite we're headin to a baseball game (i think)   much is subject to change until he settles down a bit    he wants him and i to get another identical tattoos    we'll see    we already have like tattoos, so i don't know what he has in mind    anyways, it's great to have him here safe and sound for a little while    i'll talk to him more about Iraq after my mother leaves on wednesday   i don't want her to be worrying anymore than she has to    i do enough for both of us anyways    God i'm elated!!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

one more night...

well, it's thursday nite    i'm sitting anxiously awaiting the arrival of my son Kyle    not sure if i mentioned it before, but he's coming home on leave from Iraq    he'll be here tomorrow sometime, and so will my mother    she's flying in to see him for a few days    i hope i can sleep tonite    i will soon know    he's to arrive in Dallas, TX about 6am    now honestly i don't know if that's TX time or Iraq's time    so i'm staying awake late for a little bit just in case    and i'll set the alarm to awake about 5am tomorrow    he's anxious to get here    he has an 8-9hr layover at the airport once in Dallas    he want's to drive from there, but i'm thinking he may not have rested much on the flight here    anyways, as long as he makes it safely, i'll be fine    well, think i'll curl up with a book now    need to do something to keep me occupied....

Thursday, May 24, 2007

retirement party

went to Helen's retirement party this morn at the p.o.    it was great to see everyone even a couple other retirees who showed up    it's the same ol' place same ol' story but everyone looked great    got to chat with a few of them to catch up with their lives and their children    found out Danny has been on leave since he returned last year from Iraq    my guess is he's having PTSD   i'll have to call him soon   he's the one that served on the front lines in the beginning of the war and still did similar duties when they sent him back a couple more times    i'll keep him in my prayers    Sharon is doing good although she had minor heart surgery, if there's such a thing as minor when it comes to the heart   anyways, i could list everyone, but that'd take awhile    it was a surprise party for Helen and she definitely was    she kept saying she couldn't believe it    Rhonda did a great job on the decorations   frogs everywhere which apparently Helen loves     i miss the people there, but i don't miss the p.o.    it's nice not to be in the grind of things and not having someone on my case daily as Cory mentioned today   of course that was one particular individual who no longer is in management i gather   thank goodness    Life is sooo much better not being there    i enjoyed the job, but there's just too much bulls**t!!!!    i'll have to keep in touch with them more often  than i have this past year    it's just been nice to stay away    .....and that my friends was my mornin'!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

major decision...

hello!!!    i know i haven't been here awhile    i've been very busy with volunteer work at the church and work at my pt job    but i'm taking a break from volunteer work this week:-)    i even went to Sandia Peak today to do more contemplating about The Art Center     this is the school i applied and got accepted    well yesterday it hit me in the face as to the costs and my financial status   not that i'm broke, but i would be attending this college   so i slept on it   i tossed and turned   i woke up thinking about it   i contemplated sum more.....and decided.....nope not going there    it finally made sense to me    there is no cents and no sense in going to this college for my photography degree    so tomorrow i'm going to UNM and check into that    i just couldn't see my spending $80k to get my photography degree...and that doesn't count interest on the loans....i wouldn't be getting my new motorcycle for a loooong time and i've got to have a new motorcycle    besides i ain't rich!!!!    so i finally came to my senses   not going there    i've been down the road of debt and within one year i'll be totally out of debt    aint' going there again    i know there's a better way    so off i go to UNM    in the meantime, i'll get my camera out and play soon    after this weekend after everyone else has come & gone    i volunteered to work this weekend anyways so someone else could have the weekend off    i'm used to staying home for this weekend holidays, so why not work    and besides this job ain't like workin' the meantime, i'll try to write more often as requested    .....o before i forget, my son is coming home on leave soon from Iraq    he called yesterday at 4am   i heard the phone beepin at 6am   so i called him    looking forward to seeing him have a great Memorial weekend!!!    Remember .....

Sunday, May 13, 2007

slept away...

Happy Mother's Day to everyone....

I can't believe i slept the day away today   i woke several times and answered the phone, but then went back to sleep    i was a little blue, but i've must have been damn tired    this last week was really busy with church and work    guess it all caught up with me    i didn't get up til 7pm tonite   goodness i don't remember the last time i did this   O well....Life goes on....i haven't been writing much for there's not much new happening nowadays    i decided to wait and start school this fall    taking the summer off and have some fun before school    i hope to get  a few long distance road trips in on my bike   still within New Mexico but about 4hrs away    it's finally hot here, well not too hot yet    but the cool weather has subsided    i haven't won the lottery yet nor found that right mate for life    i'm just chillin, readin, workin. and volunterrin still    i've started hiking a bit with friends but that's all the excitement going on here    must get out the camera again soon    another road trip to Tent Rocks for some b&w photos    goodness......

Thursday, April 26, 2007


well i ain't movin', but our church just did today    we've been preparing for months, but especially the last 2months for this move    finished packing this week and the movers came today   i've been there all week and workin' too   but' it's all good   today i got sunburned on my face   i was assigned the task of standing outside directing the movers   initially i was to be inside directing movers to rooms   anyways, i didn't have a hat today as i always wear when i know i'm going to be outside    i didn't see how red i got until i went to the women's room tonite at work    lobster red   matches my shirt   i happened to wear a red/white striped shirt today    anyways, i worked all day at the church then went straight to the job   boy i'm tired    it still isn't as wearing as the p.o. was   but we had fun at the church today   the move went smoothly    now tomorrow we start the unpacking   of course dummy me asked the question "do you need me tomorrow"   goodness   so i'll be back there manana   then off to work again   i'm taking saturday off if i can   i'll do more unpacking next week....the weather is finally warming up and staying there   it was a beautiful day to move   perfect!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


so yesterday i ride my bike to Madrid   it's a back road there, scenic by-way    i got there in no time   had brunch and shopped for 1 1/2 hrs    then in lieu of coming back the way i came, i decide to head up to the edge of Santa Fe and take I-25    i wanted to knock off some fear of that stretch of freeway to albuquerque while riding my bike    well i'm doing pretty good, but half way down the interstate a woman runs me off the road, literally    she loyally @#$% pissed me off     she had just passed me in the left lane   i was going the speed limit in the right lane...didn't i mention this stretch of the interstate is like Indy 500....anyways, her lane got jammed and slowed them down    i'm just steadily riding my bike coming up on her right side    well being inpatient and not looking over in her blind spot, she decides to zip into my lane    i was in her back seat and i laid on the horn    she kept coming and all i could do was go off the road    fortunately there was plenty of pavement off road    it took her awhile but she realized what she did and finally got back in the other lane, allowing me to get back on the road    i was infuriated    i wanted to curse her out   damn Bitch!!!   i got rattled and it took me the rest of the day to relax from the incident    what pissed me off was that she had just passed me and she was doing an Indy 500    on this road i'll be doing the speed limit of 75, sometimes 80 and they still pass me like i'm standing still    God i hate that stretch of interstate!!!    well i'm not afraid of the interstate anymore, but i'll be damn if i'll be on that stretch anymore with my bike    !@#$%^ people!!!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

 Happy Spring!

here's to a new life, a rebirth of our souls   a new beginning of peace, hope and joy....

hope your Easter was grand    it took all day to find a symbol i liked for the holiday   my blessings to the Christian world and what the Easter means to you    my blessings to the rest of the world who believe differently but are on our way anyways    the past 4days have been under weather   severely under the weather for me   caught a bug, maybe 2, wednesday evening    slept for 2days with no food   finally nibbled a bit yesterday and had a meal today    i feel better today than all the days    i even got out of the house for about an hour    other than that, i've been sleepin' or just starin' at the tv    i'm almost ready for a new day, a new dawn to be out & about in the world   hopefully tomorrow   but even illness is a gift   i felt a resurge in my faith this weekend   i even watched half of The Ten Commandments movie recognizing how far i've evolved from that way of thinking     there is still good messages within the Bible and Christianity, but there's far more to know   anyways, all is good    sometimes when i feel sick i swear my mind is being purged as well   a cleansing of sorts in order to get back to the true Spirit within each of us   Life is such a gift and i sometimes forget while being indulged in the mundane things of life   usually my illness will remind me of Life's value, but i also find it in others, thru your journals and friendships   goodness,   that is all God is...which is everyone and everything!

Monday, April 2, 2007

such a kind gesture...

this morn i went to breakfast at the Range Cafe    decided to sit at the bar in lieu of waiting for a table   it was just me wantin' sum biscuits & gravy   so i sit   then a couple minutes later a man comes sits next to me   well the waitress didn't see us arrive separately but as she was taking our orders, he told her separate tickets please   so we ate, chatted & had our coffee    she brings the ticket   sure enough she put the tickets together on one    goodness...  well the man insisted on paying it anyways   i asked him several times if he was sure   Yep sure enough   such a kind gesture is such a treacherous world we have at times....a wonderful act of kindness!

Friday, March 30, 2007

friday nite...

well it's friday nite and ain't nothin' happenin anywheres    anywhere i want to be other than here at home    it was another cold day here, back down in the 40s once again   but sunshine and heat are on the way again    it usually gets cold one more time before spring arrives permanently   i hope this week was the last of it, but if not, it won't be long   not a whole lot happenin' really   i applied for a couple part-time jobs needing a little dough after a major drop in my income the past 2 months   one drop was expected, the other showed up unexpectedly last week   something to do with my retirement plan at the p.o. and collecting social security simultaneously   IF i do a part-time job it will be briefly to pay a couple small loans off quickly before starting school   IF i get my back lump sum remaining from social security, a part-time job won't be needed but would be helpful a bit    it's taken awhile, but i finally realized today i can live without working again   my place is at the church apparently   i haven't been there much lately and i dropped in for lunch today   everyone missed me   i guess i've become a permanent fixture around there to my surprise   M was just telling me last sunday that i was a part of the energy there and more   it's taken all week, or longer, to realize this   never thought i'd be such a significant part with the community there    i've got a reputation, a good one, which precedes me and sooo many people know me more than i know them   well none of this was planned, but i'm grateful for their appreciation   me, i just think i'm a Speck in the universe playing some small role here for some unknown reason   just wantiing to do what i can, which seems so little to me, but not to others    this is such contrast from working at the p.o.   anyways, all is good   i realized today that the church is where i belong when i'm not at home, going to school or doing other life stuff like photography    so i'll continue doing whatever it is i do and hopefully make a difference in people's lives    sometimes i can't believe any of this   someone pinch me to let me know this is real    i still get the blues, like the past few days, but everything else is for the better   goodness, how blessed i am now   could things get any better....

Friday, March 23, 2007

I believe

the writing i wrote below was for my Spiritual Practice class project    last nite was the last class and our presentation    it was a wonderful class and i'm grateful i stuck it out and finished the class   so many times i wanted to quit only realizing my plate was too full therefore resistance to the class    it was a wonderful way to end the day after learning of the passing of a dear friend   i've known for over a week he would be leaving us soon and my heart has been heavy    yet thru his transition i truly realized that we are all spiritual beings experiencing the human life   Life is ongoing and there is no ending even in our transition to heaven    i will miss Carlos he was a blessing in my life   ....

I believe in God, the true parent, the Mother-Father Principle of all life.  This Supreme Intelligence lies silent and ever-present within me, within each of us, within everything.  It is the simplicity of a rose, the changing of leaves, lovers embracing, children laughing, the rising morning sun, the wind caressing one's cheek, fine wine & tobacco, coffe & conversation with a friend, God expressing in all things.  God is also Divine, love, passion, joy, wholeness, complete, perfect and more.  Whatsoever is in God, so it is in me.  I am all things and everyone in the Oneness of God.  I am an individualized expression of God, creating my life with Its power.  This poer is Thought.  Thought is the true giver of life that never dies, that can never be destroyed and it is the link to the Mind of God.  From Thought, the Source, I create through my mind and beliefs.  It is like a garden.  I am the garden, planting seeds of thoughts into the soil-which is Law-and creating my life.  I am an individual with free choice & will.   My will is God's will.  Of myself I can do nothing.  God and I are one...I believe in heaven that is withn me and outside of me.  The kingdom of heaven is within the reaches of my mind and yet lives beautifully outside of me through everyone and everything.  It exists here and now here on earth.  I believe the ultimate goal of life is to live in Oneness with God and all life.  That all seen and unseenn are my brothers and my sisters living harmoniously with all life.  I believe I am light, which is the true essence of love which is God, permeating eternally through all life.  I believe in nature for nature is a perfect mirror for all of us reflecting the purity of God.  Nature does not judge, does not curse, is unmolested, whole in its virtue exuberating pure love at all times which is God.  I believe in living the moment of Now.  A moment ago is gone, the next moment hasnt arrived.  Now is all there is with the simple treasures of life unfolding in the mment; the breath of life, a flower in bloom, a waterfall, coyotes howling, cuddling with my kiids and more, however God in its virtue expresses in the moment.  I believe in joy and love the true essence of God.  I believe the journey here is to know God in all forms, which is also to know self...self realized is God realized-the nature of all Life.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


having too much fun ridin' my bike   i finally got it out today   charged the battery last nite   dusted it off and hit the road    i didn't go anywhere but around town    and this is one big town, spread out for miles     it was a blast!   went up to the Harley shop to get a hot dog, but no dogs were available    as i window shopped and sipped a coke, i saw a woman that was in my riding class last year    she didn't finish the course, but she's now riding   i was sooo happy for her    we exchanged numbers and hopefully will ride together laterz     then i headed back home only to find myself racing with another young guy on his crotch rocket   i out did him   yep i was havin too much fun    i also kept forgetting to turn the fuel on, but hey it's been 3months since ridin'    anyways, it was just the pick me upper i needed this week   nothin' like refreshin the soul on a bike...

Thursday, March 8, 2007

for Marti.....and others too:-)

ok   here are 3 pics i played with on my adobe photoshop    i like this look   i call it vintage   adobe photoshop calls it a sepia filter i think    anyways, this pics were from my Disney trip    after playing with adobe, i printed these and have them around  my house     i also made a couple paper greeting cards with some pics of mine to give away    hopefully i'll find other paper to do the greeting cards with eventually    i also made my first eCard with the photoshop and sent it to M    i also played with fixing the lighting on some photos    those photos turned out better    i'll play some more this weekend and post some more photos that some of you may have seen already    but it's been awhile so they may be like new.....i'm sooo looking forward to Art College    as i go thru class and take photos, i'll share them with you    school starts this summer   i know i'm going to have a blast!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


i rediscovered that i had adobe photoshop   it came with either my printer or computer when i bought those last spring    i had totally forgotten about it and while looking for another disc, i found it    so i loaded and began playing with it today    what fun!   a new toy to play with:-)...

the answer is here...

hmmm, where to's been a week and it's only half way over   the past few days have been challenging   some due to my blues, the other due to worry about getting into the Art Center Design College    monday i found out that i didn't score so hot on the ACT, but hey i wasn't expecting to score high on it in the first place   then yesterday it slapped me in the face as to the costs of this college-sky rocketing to say the least    was it going to be worth it?    i examined and compared it to UNM, the costs, the curriculum and where was my  heart    anxiety to say the least   i broke down and had a cigarrette after going without for 3months    i had to let all this sink in    was this what i really wanted to do?    this morn, i recognized yes it would be worth it to me even though i'd have a hefty bill when it was all over    this has been my dream for soooo very long   decades in fact   i've never been able to let go of this dream to study photography and obtain my bachelor's degree   it just won't go away    for some of us, we live only once    for me, my life has had its challenges enough   now is the time to enjoy and pursue my dreams later today i get the call    the admissions counselor first asked if i still wanted to do this, before she told me whether i got in or not   i had called her about the costs yesterday   today i explained it all to her    my answer:   yes i still want to do this   it is worth it to me..."you've been 100% accepted into the college," were her words.....I'm IN!!!!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Wild Hogs

well the day started with the ACT test required in my application to the Art College    it kicked my ass    it was a bitch    i'll find out monday how i did on it but you know, it was a challenge   i like to be challenged in some way or another   i just hope i did well enough to get in the school    the facilitator giving the test said this college will work with you if you have low scores    they'll place you and then ask you to repeat the test    i hope i don't ever have to take this test again    we'll see    and if this test is any indicator how school will be, i've got my work cut out for me   but that's ok    i like a good day's work......

so after the test, i took myself to lunch to my favorite burger place   felt i earned it just for getting thru the test...... then i came home and had a beer.....then i met a friend for a movie, Wild Hogs     it's hilarious!    if you need some great laughter, this is the movie    it was also partly filmed in New Mexico    the town they end up in is Madrid which is only 40mins down the road from here   i had forgotten that they were going to do the movie there    last spring when i road my bike up there, they were constructing the Diner for the movie and someone informed me all about it    so if you'd like to see a place where i like to ride my bike , see Madrid in this movie    anyways, i highly recommend this movie for loads of fun   well worth it! the meantime, i'll post my acceptance or not to the Art College probably by next wednesday     she said i'd know monday afternoon or sometime tuesday   i'm adding a day for whatever     until then....hasta la vista!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

movie weekend

well it was a weekend full of movies for me starting on friday    i went with a friend to see Breach    it was a good movie, a little suspenseful    but a nice change from the past 3 movies i saw (not that they were bad)   ...then last nite, i rented The Lake House with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves   both actors i like a lot   best romantic movie i've seen in a long time and it wasn't a romantic comedy   simple love story with a twist   definitely worth seeing.....then tonite i saw Ray on cable tv    wish i had seen this movie earlier but just didn't ever get around to it    all  three of these movies i recommend......i didn't make it to Tent Rocks again yet, hopefully tomorrow providing the weather holds up   saturday i wanted to go with the nice beautiful clear sky and sunshine, but there was  a cold biting wind which kept me inside....i did manage to write my essay this morn that accompanies my application to the Art Center Design College   i just need to fine tune it and type it    i'll wrap that up no later than tomorrow nite although it isn't due until Wednesday    in writing the essay and looking at their catalog this morn, i'm sooo excited to get accepted    my other college transcripts are on their way    i also must take the ACT test this next saturday    i chickened out when a teenager in school   i'm sure i'd have done well back then, but i didn't believe then    and this time when i take it, i'm not too concerned   i do ok or i don't   there's always UNM which my transcripts were accepted a very long time ago    as soon as i know of my acceptance, i will let everyone the meantime, today was the last Lady Lobos basketball home game    we won which put us in a tie for second in the MWAC    the conference tournament is just around the corner   hopefully we'll win another and get a bid to the NCAA    at the game we learned that out Lady Lobos Softball team is off to agreat start by beating No. 3 UCLA Bruins    i look forward to the softball games coming up   it's outdoors and it's the one sport i miss playing after all these years    when i reach 50, maybe i'll find that team for 50 & over and i can hobble around the bases    right now my focus is getting back into college for my dream choice=photography    wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed   or just say a prayer for me....i'll be in touch soon!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

time for a road trip...

thank god...

thank God for phones and friends!!!    my son called me this morn about 1:30am    i didn't reach the phone in time and i was too tired to call back    he did call again a few moments ago   we had a good chat   thank goodness he can call from over there   it sure eases the stress of him being there    we had a good chat about him coming home in May as well as when he'll actually get out of the Army all together -that's at least a couple years away thank goodness     he then wants to become a cop, which he has always wanted    he'll come back here to ABQ to live near me    hmmm, i just remembered   i always and still want to be a cop myself    now i can have that experience thru him:-)     anyhows,   it was great to chat with him this morn....

now yesterday i had 3 sparks for my day    first i went to the Art Design College here to check out their program for photography    i can get the money to go, but now i just need to be accepted   the counselor seemed pretty positive about that    there are a few things to be done to get accepted but all those things have been initiated to get taken care of    so i' hope to know within a few weeks    i could start school as early as end of May    it's all sooo exciting, but it scared the hell out of me too   it's been tooo long since being in school, or so it seems    but for photography, it'll be a the second spark of the day was the money to work on my motorbike came in and i had a few extra bucks to buy those chaps   if all goes well, i'll be riding my bike to Ft Worth, TX about 8-9hr ride from here   my niece gets married the first weekend in April    i look forward to the wedding and now the the third spark, but not the least, was a phone chat with my friend M    just hanging out with her, whether on the phone or otherwise, always gives me a spark    what a friend!!   Life is just not the same without her    she always gives good sound advice with tender loving care    she's a gem    thank God for true friends!!!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

3 to go...

another basketball game tonite, and only 3 games left to usher   college hoops here in NM is about over    however i did here we may have a women's NIT tournament here   that will depend on how our Lady Lobos do in the MWAC tournament    all in time we'll see   i'm looking forward to warmer weather and being outside   it's time for baseball, softball, hiking and best of all motorcycle riding    in the meantime, i'm reconsidering school    O i'll be going, but i may decide to head into UNM this fall for photography in lieu of pursuiting metaphysics at the moment    i love my spiritual journey and all the classes i take and other reading, but i realized last nite, i need something else to focus on    spiritual is a process and a journey   photography is passion and fun    spiritual will always be ongoing   photography i haven't done enough of    i know i'm restless at the moment and maybe it's the long winter that i'm ready for it to break    but i sense a need of change somehow, someway    in another month i may know    it will all speak to me as time unfolds   but photography is on my mind right now    i'll keep you posted as i for the latest on my "date"    it hasn't happened and indicators at the moment shows it may not    maybe ii said something to scare her off   maybe i didn't    whatever it is, she hasn't contacted me and i'm not going to speculate much of anything    i'm a little disappointed, but Life goes on    there are plenty of fish in the sea and when & if i decide to go fishin', i will    i know i'm a happy camper alone as well    a relationship will just be gravy to my life when it happens    there's plenty of time, plenty of people    what will be, will be....

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Friday, February 9, 2007

friday night

it's friday evening actually, headed into the nite within a half hour    i sit waiting for her to come online   i sit debating whether to meet her for coffee anyways tomorrow at noon   it's not that i don't want to meet her, it's just this damn cold of mine is still lingering    although i've gotten better, little by little, over the past few days, still i'd like to be totally fresh for our first date    i did send her an email requesting we postpone for at least a few more days, but she hasn't read it    so i wonder and wait    maybe she isn't working 12hrs today   it's friday   who does that on a friday nite?    anyhows, i'll wait a little bit longer before retiring to the couch with a book, or head over to see Babel tonite    both sound deliciously enticing    it'll pass the time until i know whether to show up for coffee or who is she you might ask    someone i chatted online for a year or longer, until last year    this woman chased me endlessly but i wouldn't relent for different reasons at the time    so she stopped chatting with me about a year ago now   i've thought of her at times wondering how she is doing, even as recently a few weeks ago    and lo & behold she catches me online recently to my surprise   just out of nowhere, out of the blue   so now i'll meet her    why?   the timing is right for me    i haven't been looking for anyone for at least a couple years, if not longer    i haven't put myself out there   i've been content   actually more than content   just damn happy by myself     so now i feel my doors have been opened and here she comes along     i look forward to meeting her    i can handle whatever does or does not happen   as time unfolds, i will see...

Sunday, February 4, 2007

CONGRATS!!! the Colts!   well deserved win!    ....if we only we had sum offense tonite, but hey i'm proud of my Bears    they've had a great season and at least managed to get to the Super Bowl    i'm happy that Peyton finally won his Super Bowl and tops it off with MVP    he deserves it, no doubt     until next year, we'll try again   Rex i hope can only get better.....

notes on a scandal

well, i saw this movie yesterday    it was intense!!!     not a bad movie, but i wouldn't recommend it    the ads didn't reveal the plot and i can understand why    simply it's a bout a woman teacher who has sex with a 15yr old kid, and another older woman teacher who pursues her for her own relationship    i know you can read about this stuff in the news and/or the tabloids, so i don't recommend it .....anyways, onto other things    today is the Super Bowl, finally!    i look forward to chillin' in front of the tv    my day starts out at church to be recognized as Volunteer of the Month   then i have a women's basketball game to usher, then i get to come home, all on top of another cold surfacing   i had a scratch of a sore throat yesterday only to waken this morn  to congestion    damn!!  i think i've been sick more often this winter than previous years    do i need to go back to walking 10miles a day to stay healthy?    i need to do something, but today i'll just start with the whiskey again   and the weather is finally warming up as well   all week we're in the 50s again    our average this winter has been 40 or below most days   that's unusual for sure   anyways i'm looking forward to warm weather again    all the bikers are out and i'm anxious to ride again myself    probably won't do so until the end of the month or beginning of next    but all good things come to those who wait.....

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

tuesday morn

good morn everyone    i haven't been here awhile    there's not much to tell   i haven't been anywhere, except a workshop, or done anything, except finally a hike in the midst of this cold winter    last week i spent the whole week, except thursday, either doing preparations for a workshop or attending it over the weekend    i felt like i was back to full time work again in lieu of retirement   but it's over for now, at least until the next workshop   it was a good workshop on the idea of We Way, collective wisdom of the whole   enlightening and uplifting   it was well worth the time...on thursday i took the day off and finally got a hike in    i haven't hiked in months and have been aching to go    the trail wasn't as bad as i thought it would be   i imagined it being totally muddy, slippin' & slidin' away    however, it was pretty solid with a few patches of snow, a couple puddles, and little mud    i didn't hike long for i'm way out of shape but enjoyed it immensely as i burned my lungs to the fresh air    i did sit with my eyes closed for about a half hour enjoying the warm of the sun on my face   Heaven, the quiet solitude among nature    once the hike was over, i came home and took a nap   it sure did relieve the stress for the week, but i was back at it on friday    so today, i'm back on the mountainside for another hike    i get to have a couple days off before returning to more meetings and volunteer work ...i did start a new class at church in preparation to become a spiritual counselor there   the class is great, but i wonder sometimes, do i really desire to be a spiritual counselor    all in time i will know    maybe it will be different than all this volunteering   i certainly hope so....

Monday, January 22, 2007

Da  Bears!!!!!

we did it!!!    we're in the Super Bowl!!!!!!

now we have our hands full with the Colts but we can beat 'em     GO BEARS!!!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007


ok this is a new one on me    girlfriend M called me for dinner on her way home from Durango, CO    i went for tea and conversation    she ordered eel and shared it with me   first time ever with eel   and it turned out pretty good   i think it was a Sushi restaurant   first time for Sushi as well    i always wanted to go to the Samurai restaurant, maybe it's Japanese with Sushi?    anyways, it was a good hour or more spent with a wonderful friend    she's been gone 10days and i was overdue for coffee with her    great to see her!    good food too....

now, the other event of the day was speaking to my son   i think i mentioned he's in a quiet space in Iraq   well today he tells me he may have the chance to go chase the bad guys   i told him 'good' while shaking in my shoes   i support him 1000% in what he wants to do,  but i'm not telling him i'd rather not see him in combat    anyways, i'm fine   i chilled out after the phone conversation while finish reading my book-a fantasy novel    i know he'll be fine no matter what   besides this may not happen    i told him to keep me posted   in the meantime, he got his thermal shirts and the pics i sent   i sent a few pics from the holidays   he's still sounding good   let's hope it stays that way...until another day   ...take care

Friday, January 12, 2007

VOM February

Volunteer of the Month for February    i was nominated and accepted VOM for February at church    it came as a surprise for i had forgotten we honored volunteers each month   i thanked some at church, but they just kept telling me i did it   well i did, but...anyways, i sit here this morn hoping my son will call again   he called yesterday morn and i missed his calls    i tried calling back at the number he gave me, but i couldn't get thru   the only good thing about that was it saved me $2 a minute    anyways, he's doing good over there   did i mention where he's located is pretty quiet   so i'm not worried as much   he sounds more like his confident self as well   so hopefully he'll call anytime the meantime, i had coffee with Rev Jen yesterday   a joy as always as we discussed different thoughts & ideas   we also looked in our Science of Mind book regarding pyschics and discussed that topic    i had already thought that religious science doesn't include pyschism and she affirmed that    we both disagreed with their decision and feel it should be open for debate at least    i'd like to discuss that further with her, but we were at the end of our get together standing out in the cold   i'm sure we'll pick it up again    for now, i'm starting another class at our church, ACSL next week    i'm anxious and excited for it's the last class required before going into the Practitioner's classes    a Practitioner as i finally understand it is simply a spiritual counselor within our church who also does prayer work    once i become a practitioner, and that'll take 2more yrs of studying plus boards and exams, i'll decide if i desire to become a minister    all in due time, for i also will study photography at UNM within the next year or two, probably obtaining my bachelor's degree in it    i have such a passion about it, i must do something more with it than i am now    goodness, sooo much to do, so little

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Blood Diamond

Intense!!! but a really good movie    don't take the children, but see this   it's a bit bloody, but the story is well worth on a happier note....see Happy Feet and do take the children....nest stop-Eragon!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Integrity   i've been thinking about that today   my own integrity    the other day i caught myself at a little white lie and realized that was not the usual me    it was like a habitual response as if still at the p.o.   my integrity there was compromised much for to be totally honest all the time every time did me no good   seemed to make my life there worse in lieu of better   so i learn to stretch the truth, or abstain from it    as soon as i made my comment the other day, i said to myself, karen you're no longer at the p.o., you can get back to your true self    granted there will be times when the whole truth and nothing but the truth is not wise, but i no longer have to conceal the entire truth anymore    and it was odd   while at the p.o. i saw a newsreport somewhere that in many places, about 48% i think, people's integrity was compromised in the workplace   i wouldn't have believed it so if it wasn't for where i worked    so one of my new years' resolution will be to work on my integrity more   to be more true to myself and others    such a small thing, but a big issue for me    there's enough corruption, i don't need to feed that...

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

another blanket


I am free.  My mind is clear.  I am safe.  I accept things just as they are.  I accept me just as I am.  I turn it over.  My life is a life of choice.  I surrender.  I walk in serenity.  I live for today.  I stay in the moment.  I am perfect just the way I am.  I let go.  Today I am content with my life.  Gratitude is my attitude.  Easy does it...I am confident.  Today I keep it simple.  I have wings to fly.  I am in perfect harmony.  I live in the solution.  I am willing.  I live one day at a time.  I am open minded.  I meet all situations with poise.  I live and let live.  Today I live life on life's terms.  Acceptance is the answer.  I am not alone.  I am OK.  I embrace the journey...

Monday, January 1, 2007

it's cold outside...

 Happy New Year everybody!    Hope your new year is better than years long's freakin' cold here this morn    it's only 5 degrees outside   brrrrr......