Tuesday, July 5, 2005


i sit quietly tonight with no music on or tv    i usually have at least one of those things on, but tonight i feel like no noise   just quiet   maybe the fireworks and all the hoopla wore me out a bit   i also realized i am drained from the constant heat above 95 degrees   as the days go on, i have little to no energy just to make it thru my work day   i sometimes become a bitch due to the unbearable heat   i'll pray the monsoon actually arrives this year with days of pouring buckets of rain   i think it starts within a few weeks   hurry up, i can't wait....yesterday i talked with my nephew for a moment   he's moving to New Mexico with his newlywed bride this coming weekend   for some reason he needs to stay with me for a few weeks   she's being assigned to Ft Bliss which is about 4hrs due south of here   once he arrives i'll get better answers   they met in military training which he, and maybe her, just finished last week i think   he's army guard, she's active   he will go active after 6months which is the required time he must wait   so i'll have company for a little while   shall be interesting   i really don't know him well and i'm not buying into all that my sister has said about him   i'll see for myself who he is, plus i'm thinking he's changed some for the better since joining the army guard and completing boot camp and his technical training   he's a security cop for them and that says something to me   we'll see   i'll take his company one day at a time   i'm thinking we'll have fun for the most part, or i at least hope so  we'll be just fine  .....well that's about the latest for now    i'm just gonna chill for the rest of the evening......


Anonymous said...

That heat is unbearable. It takes its tole on a person. We were in Tucson last week and it was well over 100 degrees (dry heat...like my oven) but I just had to stay inside.  Glad you will have company for awhile.   Anne

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it will be fun. A good chance to get to know each other too. Enjoy! ~ Lori