well, can you tell i've been a little bored today....lol i added a few items in ALL ABOUT ME section, plus i changed the background color again the blue went better with the things i posted the photos of the other people are my son Kyle (Army) and Jorje my daughter with her husband Mark for those who don't know they're technically my nephew and niece, but i adopted them as my own for various reasons so when i talk about my son and daughter you now have photos to associate them with....
anyways, i took a nap guess i needed that one today then i went and checked out Jesse's mountain bike for sale for the price he wants plus the tires/tubes i need to buy for it, it's the same price as a new one at Wally World but i've told Jesse that i'd buy his bike from him already i'll help out a friend plus for the riding i'll probably do, his bike is ideal plus i like the color it's a peach color he's going to put the new tires/tubes on for me plus work on the rear brake cable it needs adjusting but it's a good bike and riding it today, i felt like i was learning ALL over again even when i got Stephen's out recently, goodness i thought i was going to wreck on it....lol that's what i get for riding a motorcycle for a few years now a HUGE difference kept wanting to ride with my hands God! i'll be fine i can get on it in a few days will pick the the tires/tubes tomorrow he'll have it ready tuesday i'm sure...so in the meantime, guess it's time to get back to reading my books i've not read a book in a month and usually my nose is always in a book i have plenty of time on my hands right now, so i'll find something Sudoku is ok although it still kicks my butt from time to time now i need another challenge besides hiking the trails and riding my bicycle for my conditioning Life is Good (which by the way, my package from ALL THINGS JEEP finally came back to me..i think i mentioned the p.o. screwed up the delivery of it) got my Life is Good shirt on with a Jeep on it, berry color matches my new bicycle anyways, that's the excitement for now i'll see you soon on this again tomorrow will be hectic IF i make it to MADrid if not tomorrow, i will wednesday or thursday this week for sure a couple errands in the morn, plus finding bicycle parts before MADrid, then hurry back to a Isotopes baseball game tomorrow evening may be too much to squeeze in for one day....new photos soon, i promise!
p.s. the above photo is of a Black-headed Grosbeak i think i named it incorrectly the first time i posted it...and yes i took this photo:-)
I love your busy life
We are getting ready for another ride today and I am excited to use my new camera clip on bag. I can carry both camera's. I just got a new canon and so far suck at taking pictures with it. Love the shots you have. I always wanted to ride a motorcycle. Looks like so much fun. I hate being a passenger though, I want to be in control, LOL
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