Saturday, August 9, 2008


GO USA!!!!

alas, the Olympics are here...i didn't think i'd get to see any Olympics so early this morn   and my favorite sport, Volleyball, is being televised   the Women are playing Japan in a close one   anxious to see who pulls this one out   it'll be fun, but then it's off to work again...

so as you know i came home to write about work briefly last nite   yesterday we had 2 beer runs on our shift   the amazing thing to me, it was the same woman doing both beer runs    the second time, she grabbed twice as much beer, 2-30 pack cans   but this time a customer followed her and grabbed the beer   my co-worker wanted to run & stopped her, but i grabbed her and slowed her down   we're not suppose to chase anyone who steals from us   and who knows what state of mind those doing beer runs are in   it could get physical   but my co-worker is YOUNG and has yet to realize possible dangers   so that was the excitement for the only if i could get my young co-worker to actually WORK   i did speak to the manager about it this morn,   will try something new next week with her   i just feel bad that the cooler isn't stocked before we leave for the next shift  especially the beer since there's two more hours for selling it ...anyways, it'll work out..

in the meantime, guess i'm getting a bicycle after all   it's to help with my conditioning for my Grand Canyon trip   the cardio workout will be a GREAT help with the hiking/backpacking   i was thinking of not getting one to save for the expense of the canyon trip   but i keep running into people who have bikes in their garages they're ready to get rid of   yesterday i went to our church's potluck and Jesse  there told me about his mountain bike   i'll go check it out tomorrow  hopefully i can get a real good deal on it   he didn't mention price, but maybe n the long run it'll be better than the $100 one at Wally World   so i'm anxious to get on and ride   mostly anxious to be in shape for the Grand Canyon   i still get pumped just thinking about it:-)....

so alas, the volleyball game as come to the end   we pulled it out with a 3-1 victory over Japan   the women's team is ranked 4th but people still think they could win a Bronze Medal   their biggest challenge is next playing Cuba, ranked #2   Good luck ladies!

ok, i'm gettin' pumped watchin more of the Olympics   this means i'll be glued to the tv while it's on   other than football, no other sports events has ever got me so pumped   i love the unison and patriotism wrapped around our USA teams   love the international competition and the dream of Peace, Love & Harmony across the world to be one day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

 I love bike riding so hope you get one you enjoy.  Its great fun.  Love the shot.
