Thursday, May 5, 2005

for those who'd like to know, the website i found my friend on is   i've been very happy all day today since finding my friend   i'm still in shock a bit  she was my best bud back in the late 70s and early 80s until i left washington state traveling around the world a bit   i've always thought of her ever since losing contact and still missed her sorely   words cannot express my happiness  ...and yes, i think if you lost a friend as i did her, i'm pretty confident you can find your lost friends or family for that matter   ....i'm going to try and find some other friends and comrades i knew while i was stationed in the air force at fairchild afb, wa just outside of spokane, wa.   i wish all of you the best of luck in finding lost friends or family   i'm going to be emailing val daily for awhile until we get caught up and then some  back then we always talked about everything   we are both very happy with the reunion   and she's still with her 'wife' now for 27yrs now   yes they are gay but that doesn't matter to me   people are people are people....more soon   take care everyone

affirmation - On Spirit Within    I am never alone.  Infintie Spirit is with me and upholds me in every situation.  Spirit guides me through every experience and inspires me from within in everything I say and do.  I am loving and loved child of God.  Spirit working through me meets every need.  I am inspried, directed, protected, and uplifted by God within.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the will I try to look up? Anne