hell of a day today at work i could not for the life of me get in the rhythm on the route i was delivering i kept misdelivering but i know it had to do with the 4 bundles i was working out of i'm accustomed to 3bundles and walking this was 4 bundles and driving i really didn't know this route which didn't help plus with the additions to it, it was loooong i was moody today too which only irritated the hell out of me easily set off over stupid crap but once i was finished with the route, i finally relaxed i had noticed i was startin to relax about an hour before completing delivery so then i come in the office and i hear we were 10 routes down today and it will be 12 manana-ugh what that means, is we don't have those routes covered with carriers and we have to split them out among everyone to deliver at least 7 of those routes are people on vacation so the remaining were either sick calls, one for danny, and whatever other reasons like injuries or such we are always short of people as it is and the summer is worse because it's vacation time i must watch my hours for sure this will be the time when they mandate working overtime although you're not on the list it can be brutal but i will keep me healthy inspite of it all .....so now for tonight, i think i'll curl up with a book and save house cleaning for sunday it'll be another long day manana, but then i'm off for a day i love sundays! now that i'm not in school, i can also do some home projects, spring cleaning, photography and a little bit of traveling going to take off on day trips i believe and go places in this state i have yet to discover first road trip may be jul 3-5 i'm off all those 3days i've got a plan up my sleeve i'm saying my prayers all goes well between now and then and i'm off (unless i the money comes in for me to fly back to Ohio and see the family) i'm goin' to be chillin' a lot for now happy trails ahead.....
p.s. i'm still thinking about the move to the mtns especially after my chat with kathleen yesterday...i will keep you posted...my heart says yeah, but i need to use my head in this decision too...
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