Saturday, June 25, 2005

car's ready...

...or at least it will be this afternoon:-)   this is fantastic news   it's only going to cost $400 for the repair vs $1000   i'm soooo happy!   yeah!     and my Z car almost looks like this graphic   it's a nissan 300ZX   20yrs old but i'm keepin it even after buying a newer vehicle in the future   i've always wanted a sports car, so now i have one    i'll definitely put some money into it as well after home projects tho   like to keep as a for the latest............the past 3days have been blue and emotional for me-ugh-so i took today off from work to recupe  i can hardly wait to retire   anyways, as i lie in bed trying to get some extra shut eye i realized all the stuff i can get done today   i was going to clean at least, but then remembered i've been wanting to change my prints in my bedroom   currently i have Gordon Snidow's Cowgirls and that theme there, but i'm ready to move my Ansel Adams and my photos in my bedroom for my inspiration   start focusing on my creative side and inspire myself   i'll move my cowgirls to the 2d bedroom   i'm looking forward to the day   i get my car back and i get to relax as well:-)....ok, a very short story here from yesterday    i was delivering mail on my route yesterday and this little boy, about 1yr old, came chasing me so he could tell me all about his new puppy   his new puppy must be about 4weeks old, pitt bull pup, and the two of them were the cutest thing   this little boy just talked up a storm and kept pointing his finger at his puppy   this was a photo shoot but i didn't have my camera   they both matched each other's size   he couldn't actual pronounce any words, but boy did he have a lot to say   it was just darlin'    kids say and do the darnest things    i just don't get the opportunity often to be around kids, but i truly enjoy them when i do......have a great day everyone!


Anonymous said...

VERY good news about your car....horay!   Anne

Anonymous said...

It feels so good to cut better than 50% of a car repair bill. And I love Ansel Adams. I can see where some of your black and white photos will fit right in that theme.